The Academic and Social Value of Ethnic Studies: A Research Review by Christine E.Sleeter
This article describes research studies in which diverse groups of people think about their education and what the school curriculum teaches. Students of minority groups, especially Chicanos, feel that their history is not taught at a sufficient level. Ethnic studies programs allow students to learn about Hispanic heritage during the school day. Chicano students feel like this program is what makes them want to go to school. It is important to them and they are engaged in the class and the conversation about their history.
I am connecting this text to the video we watched in class titled Precious Knowledge. The video shows the same idea of students going to school and enjoying and engaging in their Ethnic Studies class. The video also shows government officials passing laws banning Ethnic Studies Programs. The people wanting to make a law banning this program are white people from the Board of Education who believe that this program instills anti-Americanism in students in the program. The Ethnic Studies Program in Tucson Arizona was soon shut down after the law was passed.
There's an important quote from the text that says "By the time they reach high school, students of color are not only aware of a Euro-American bias in curriculum, but they can describe it in some detail, and view it a contribute to their disengagement” (p4.) The lack of ethnic education allows for disengagement in school for Chicano students as well as BIPOC. Students are more likely to want to learn about something they are interested in. For these students, this is their life and what they know. They experience their culture at home so when there is an opportunity for them to learn about it in school, this subject becomes the one that they are most excited and interested in learning about. It is a shame that laws have been passed to ban the most important class for these students, the class that makes them actually want to go to school and learn.
Reflection: What is a way that you think this issue could be solved?